The Chemical Industry Waste to Wealth: Recycling Plastics into a More Valuable Feedstock Discover the novel chemical recycling process which can capture value in even the most difficult-to-recycle plastics.
The Chemical Industry Trump, Trade, and Tariffs for the Chemicals Sector Part 2 What the chemical industry thinks of Trump 2.0’s trade policies.
The Chemical Industry Trump, Trade, and Tariffs for the Chemicals Sector Part 1 What impact do plastics and chemical industry insiders envisage from the Trump Administration’s policies for trade and tariffs?
The Plastics Industry The Polyurethane Problem of Mattress Recycling Is the chemical industry missing out on a circular polymer supply of raw materials from waste mattresses?
Raw Materials How Legislators are Failing to Stop the Use of PFAS Toxic, persistent, and pervasive—will the fight against ‘forever chemicals’ ever end?
Raw Materials Liquid Gold: Transforming Urine into a Fertilizer Feedstock From waste to resource—redefining raw materials with nature’s own nutrients.
The Chemical Industry Fertilizer Feedstock Can Be Cheaper & Greener If Made Underground Can the future of fertilizer raw materials be found in ‘geological ammonia’?
The Chemical Industry Seven Steps to Saving the EU Chemical Industry As European chemical producers call for political action, industry analysts ask, “What can be done to save the EU chemical sector?”
The Chemical Industry What is AG CHEMI GROUP? Find out how an independent supplier of industrial raw materials and chemicals can be so much more than a business.
The Chemical Industry China’s Dirty Industry: Coal to Chemicals How the second largest chemical producer on the planet is increasing the use of coal as a feedstock for industrial chemical output.
Raw Materials The 3 Greatest Barriers to Green Chemical Investment What is stopping the chemical industry from investing in more environmentally friendly chemical production?
The Chemical Industry A Safer, More Sustainable Process for Industrial Fluorine Feedstocks Chemical researchers discover a way to manufacture fluorine chemicals without hazardous hydrogen fluoride.
The Chemical Industry Trump, Tariffs, and Chemical Trading What do trade and chemical industry analysts make of the tariff proposals in Trump’s second term?
Raw Materials The Why, When, and How of Changing Raw Material Suppliers Read expert opinion on the dos and don’ts of switching to a new industrial feedstock source.
Raw Materials The Automotive Sector’s Latest Raw Material Trend: FRPCs Discover how fibre-reinforced polymer composites are providing the automobile sector with added efficiency, sustainability, safety, and enhanced performance.
The Chemical Industry New Wave of Industrial Chemical Markets Hits the Internet Is the chemical industry supply chain finally ready for a digital overhaul?
The Plastics Industry The Single-Use Coffee Cup: The Coating Industry's Greatest Challenge Can raw material suppliers and coating manufacturers find the Holy Grail of sustainability?
The Chemical Industry Why India’s Chemical Sector is Succeeding The reasons behind India’s astonishing chemical industry growth.
The Chemical Industry New Polymer Production Method for a More Pliant, Eco-Friendly PVC A novel, electric approach to PVC manufacturing, creates a more durable, less brittle polymer with reduced microplastic pollution.
The Chemical Industry Survey finds Chemical Industry Logistics Fears are Growing Is the chemical industry investing enough in supply chain technology?
The Chemical Industry The Economic Value of Green Chemistry in Industry Can chemical companies ignore the advance towards sustainable, circular chemistry?
The Chemical Industry A 100% Recycled Plastic Industry is Possible – Apparently According to researchers from Zurich, sustainable plastic is all in the stirring and technology.
The Chemical Industry How Chemical Companies Can Turn Challenges into Profit A vision for succeeding in today’s industrial chemical climate.
The Chemical Industry Raw Material Circularity – A Matter of National Security Should national governments pay more attention to the issue of industrial feedstocks?
The Chemical Industry What Can European Raw Material Suppliers Learn from Japan’s Recycling Model? As a land with few natural resources, Japan's manufacturing sector is now focused on a recycling plan for the future.