Biofuels/Biofuel Additives The Many Routes to Oil-Free Plastic In an age of decarbonisation, how close is the plastics industry to avoiding the use of fossil fuel feedstocks?
The Plastics Industry The Polyurethane Problem of Mattress Recycling Is the chemical industry missing out on a circular polymer supply of raw materials from waste mattresses?
Raw Materials How Legislators are Failing to Stop the Use of PFAS Toxic, persistent, and pervasive—will the fight against ‘forever chemicals’ ever end?
The Plastics Industry Low Cost, One Hour Process Recycles PET from Mixed Plastic Waste Find out how mixed polyester waste can be converted to virgin-quality resin in an energy and time efficient chemical recycling technique.
The Plastics Industry Plastic to Soap: Young Chemist’s Eco-Dream Turns to Reality Find out how a student chemical researcher who wanted to make a more sustainable chemical industry found a route to creating detergent from plastic waste.
Raw Materials The Automotive Sector’s Latest Raw Material Trend: FRPCs Discover how fibre-reinforced polymer composites are providing the automobile sector with added efficiency, sustainability, safety, and enhanced performance.
The Plastics Industry The Single-Use Coffee Cup: The Coating Industry's Greatest Challenge Can raw material suppliers and coating manufacturers find the Holy Grail of sustainability?
The Chemical Industry The Chemical Industry’s Three Greatest Challenges Which of these global issues will cause chemical companies the biggest problems?
The Chemical Industry New Polymer Production Method for a More Pliant, Eco-Friendly PVC A novel, electric approach to PVC manufacturing, creates a more durable, less brittle polymer with reduced microplastic pollution.
The Chemical Industry A 100% Recycled Plastic Industry is Possible – Apparently According to researchers from Zurich, sustainable plastic is all in the stirring and technology.
The Plastics Industry The Demographics Showing the Polymer Industry’s Future If China’s population drop is going to collapse its housing construction boom, isn’t the demand for polymer products likely to follow?
The Chemical Industry What Can European Raw Material Suppliers Learn from Japan’s Recycling Model? As a land with few natural resources, Japan's manufacturing sector is now focused on a recycling plan for the future.
Raw Materials The Biochemical Industry’s Broken Promises Is a lack of end-product from green chemistry maintaining chemical companies’ fossil fuel dependency?
The Chemical Industry The Birth and Growth of Crude-To-Chemicals Technologies A re-think of crude oil processing is placing the chemical industry on the edge of a new era.
The Chemical Industry Polymer Scientists Create Durable, Yet Self-Degrading Polyurethane By adding spores of plastic-eating bacteria into melted TPU, material scientists are well on the way to solving the issue of plastic waste.
The Chemical Industry Europe’s Petrochemical Future Questioned by LyondellBasell Review A strategic analysis of petrochemical markets or another nail in the coffin of Europe’s petrochemical sector?
The Chemical Industry The Chemical Industry 20, 40, 60 Years from Now What does the future hold for feedstock sources, processes, markets, and technology?
The Chemical Industry Compostable, Biodegradable Polymer Found Suitable for Bottle Caps Is PHA the ideal alternative to the fossil fuel-based plastics used to make bottle caps?
The Chemical Industry The Troubles Caused by China’s Aromatics Boom How China’s surge in aromatic chemical production is hurting Europe and Japan.
The Chemical Industry Chemical Recycling: Sustainable, Profitable, or Just Green-Washing? Is the advanced chemical recycling of plastics the best route for dealing with plastic waste?
The Chemical Industry What Brainstorming for Sustainable Polymer Raw Materials Found How blue-sky thinking on the challenge of a circular plastics industry led to some surprising and some not-so-surprising conclusions.
The Chemical Industry Playmobil Toys Act on New Plant-Based Industrial Feedstock Playmobil figures step towards the sustainability that Lego failed to achieve.
The Plastics Industry Recycled Feedstock Projects Manufacture Clothing and Carbon Fibres Reduced costs and improved sustainability made possible with recycled raw materials for manufacturing textiles and carbon fibre.
The Chemical Industry Is this the Year of the Bioplastic? Technology, politics, and public opinion are all changing to support the development, investment, and expansion of European bioplastics.
The Chemical Industry Polymer Researchers Renew Analysis of Tara Gum as a Feedstock Will the modification of this sustainable, bio-degradable polymer feedstock find improvements and greater versatility in the food packaging sector?