Investors were recently offered a new opportunity for healthy returns with the chance to purchase bonds in NANO TECHNOLOGY AG.
The issuer of the corporate bonds is AG CHEMI GROUP, a Prague-based supplier of industrial raw materials since 1994.
During those 25 years, the company has formed a number of partnerships with major manufacturers of detergents, ceramics, biodiesel, plastics, chemicals, and fertilizers, not only in Europe but all around the world, growing steadily to achieve an annual turnover of more than €20 million.

However, over the last few years, the company has noticed an increasing demand for a new kind of raw material; substances based on nanotechnology.
Nanoproducts are smaller than 100 nanometres, which is a thousand times smaller than the thickness of a single sheet of newspaper.
Simply put, materials at this scale function differently to how they work in the macroscale.
A bulk raw material can therefore be made stronger, more flexible or more rigid, magnetic (or not), electrically conductive (or not), thermally conductive (or not), by adding nanomaterials with the desired properties to the bulk mix.
For example, car tyres with added carbon nanotubes can be made 20% lighter (reducing fuel consumption), more durable (lasting twice as long), and electrically conductive (a crucial requirement in tyres).
To learn more about the advantages of investing in nanotechnology read: Czech Nanotechnology Proven as World Class.
Understanding this, AG CHEMI GROUP reached out to research institutes in the Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, Russia, and in Ukraine, and helped to develop suitable solutions for improving chemical raw materials using nanotechnologies.

As the company’s CEO and founder Igor Sevcenko explains, “Together with leading European research institutes and in cooperation with nanomaterial manufacturers, we have developed a technology that is currently undergoing a patenting process. At the same time, two pilot production lines are being prepared, focusing on surface and volume structuring of products at the nano level. The first line will be operational by the end of 2020, and we plan to launch the next one during 2021.”
With these goals in mind, the company is issuing a series of bonds available for purchase with highly competitive returns.

They also offer a determined list of reasons why to invest in the company.
· The company is in the process of patenting self-developed technologies for the production and application of nanoproducts that are suitable for a wide variety of industries.
· The chemical industry is a vital part of the economy, with customers in every sector.
· AG CHEMI GROUP has long-term experience as a supplier of raw materials and has nurtured co-operations in the chemical industry for more than 25 years.
· The company is a member of the Nanotechnology Industry Association, which brings together companies with nanotechnology as their key business.
· The company cooperates with numerous nanotechnology research industries across Europe.
· Nanoproducts have great prospects for the future offering massive potential in a market that is less than 30 years old.
As the financial journal InvestInNano notes, “Nanotechnology is a rapidly growing field. It is rapidly growing in terms of the volume output, the range of materials being produced, the applications they can be used in, and the end-user markets where they are being adopted. Their incorporation into different industries is happening all around the world.”
To learn more about bond purchase in NANO TECHNOLOGY AG visit: AG CHEMI GROUP.
Photo credit: AG CHEMI GROUP & pictavio from Pixabay