In a world of fake news and internet rumours it is easy to understand why there is so much misunderstanding about something that is as technological as nanomaterials.
So, in an effort to bring light to the dark, here the top 5 myths about the nanoindustry are exposed as false.

1. Nanotechnology is a futuristic science which will take decades to have any practical use.
False. Nanomaterials and nanoproducts are already being used in thousands and thousands of products.
For example, the textile industry employs nanomaterials in many different fabrics, improving dyes or adding properties to both synthetic and natural fibres. Such as the company NanoTex, which has attached nanoparticles to cotton fabrics to create a wrinkle-resistant and stain-resistant material, while GoreTex has made heavy weather-resistant clothing from a similar technique.
By embedding nanoparticles of copper, zinc, silver, gold, and cerium into fabric, the company AG CHEMI GROUP, who sponsor this website, have given textiles anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties with huge potential to combat coronavirus and other infectious diseases.

Nanoparticles are also used in thousands of cosmetic products, paints, adhesives, and plastics. Their use in advanced composites is widespread, so they can be found in sports equipment (such as tennis racquets, skis and snowboards, yachts, bicycles) as well as playing a major role in the automobile industry to produce lighter, safer cars. Nanomaterials are also used in composites for space exploration and satellites, as well as advanced military hardware.
They are used in advanced pharmaceutical products, surgical implants and sensors, and have an everyday use in electronics such as smartphone screens, CPUs, and batteries. They use in the glass industry is expanding, while the application of nanofertilizers (which are absorbable through leaves and stems) is also growing.
2. Nanotechnology is so scientifically advanced that production is only possible in tech-heavy regions such as Silicon Valley.
False. Nanoproducts are being fabricated in dozens of countries.
While it is true that the global leaders in nanotechnology research and manufacture are the USA and China. Solid and expanding nanotechnology industries can be found in Australia, Poland, France, Egypt, Turkey, Spain, and Canada. Even smaller countries, such as the Czech Republic have invested heavily in expanding their nanoindustries.

To find out more about the Czech Republic’s growing nanotechnology sector read: Czech Nanotechnology Proven as World Class Part 1: Research or Czech Nanotechnology Proven as World Class Part 2: Industry
3. Mankind’s understanding of nanotechnology has already peaked.
False. Nanotechnology has only just begun to find some of the countless advantages of using nanomaterials.
For example, nanotechnology research is ongoing in the field of electronics where it is believed it will be essential to create next generation computers, artificial intelligence, and quantum computers.
Novel nanomedicines are being developed every week which allow for slow release drugs or targeted drugs which apply doses directly to the body part where they are needed.

In the field of plastics, new methods of nanostructuring materials are still being found to apply nanomaterials (when required) only at the surface of a substance. This saves money as nanoproducts are not required through the bulk of a material.
As Lev Lyapeikov, the product development manager at AG CHEMI GROUP, explains, “This patented method is mainly used in the modification of granular polymer nanomaterials. This technology makes it possible to obtain a high-quality dispersion and distribution of nanoparticles on the polymer surface, thus reducing the consumption of expensive nanomaterials and increasing the efficiency and functionality of nanomaterials in modified materials.”
4. Nanoproducts are prohibitively expensive.
False. While early nanoproducts were costly to make and were largely used in research, or high-end products (such as satellites or super-computers) today, nanomaterials can be found in thousands of low-end products.
Everyday plastics can contain nanomaterials to add properties such as strength and flexibility.
Car tyres can contain nanomaterials to reduce weight, improve durability, increase fuel efficiency, and add electro-conductivity.

Plastic packaging can contain nanomaterials to improve food freshness (as a barrier to air or moisture), add unique security and anti-counterfeiting measures, add strength and flexibility, as well as being biodegradable.
5. It’s too late to invest in nanotechnology.
False. While many investors believe that they have already missed the boat on investing in nanotechnology companies, this is not true.
As discussed in Myth Number Three, nanotechnology advances have not yet peaked, and researchers and product designers are constantly finding new applications for nanomaterials.
At the same time, as Myth Number Four explained, the lower cost of nanomaterial production alongside improved dispersion methods, has opened up nanoindustry opportunities for low-end products, such as their inclusion in the huge plastics industry.

Together, these advances are creating new markets and the possibility for investment.
One such example, is the Prague-based company AG CHEMI GROUP (who host this webpage) and are currently offering bonds for sale with very attractive rates of return.
During more than 25 years of experience supplying raw materials to manufacturers, the company has seen the growth in demand for nanomaterials, resulting in an expansion of the company’s product portfolio to include nanoparticles and patented nanotech processes.
Consequently, today the company offers nanotechnology solutions in the fields of plastics and elastomers, antiviral/antibacterial suspensions and emulsions, pathogen destroying fabrics, and nanomaterial approaches for the construction industry (including a patented process for recycling building site waste into a raw material for concrete).
To find out more about the company’s portfolio and how to invest in nanotechnology, visit: AG CHEMI GROUP.
Photo credit: Fathromi Ramdlon from Pixabay, Dean Simone from Pixabay, Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay, CEITEC, Dayron Villaverde from Pixabay, & Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay