The Chemical Industry How the Brexit Deal Looks for the Chemical Industry – Part 1 What does the Brexit deal say about the chemical industry?
The Plastics Industry Chemical Recycling: A Solution or a Dream for Plastic Waste? Part 2 Can the plastics industry make a success of chemical recycling?
The Plastics Industry Chemical Recycling: A Solution or a Dream for Plastic Waste? Part 1 Is advanced plastic recycling a practical and profitable solution for our plastic problem?
The Chemical Industry Chemical Recycling: What Is It and Can It Work? Does chemical recycling truly have a role to play in solving the problem of plastic waste?
The Plastics Industry Nanotech Expands Uses to Create Plastic Packaging from Industrial Waste Nanomaterials + Industrial waste = Plastic for packaging film without fossil fuels.
The Chemical Industry Light Powered Catalyst from the Seabed Makes Industrial Chemicals Find out how vitamins and bacteria from a thermal vent inspired a cleaner route to olefin raw materials.
The Chemical Industry President Biden and the Chemicals Industry: A Happy Match? How will Biden’s handling of the chemicals sector be different from Trump’s?
Raw Materials Is Investing in Nanotechnology a Get Rich Quick Scheme? Find out how nanomaterials have changed from a hot discovery into a key raw material for industry.
Raw Materials A Closer Look at the Czech Chemical Industry – Part 2 Find out what the future holds for the chemical industry in the Czech Republic.
Raw Materials A Closer Look at the Czech Chemical Industry – Part 1 A story about chemical production in the heart of Europe.
Nanoparticles Why Use Nanoparticles as a Raw Material in Epoxy Resins? Is there any advantage in adding nanomaterials to epoxy resins?
Nanoparticles How Nanotechnology Can Recycle Waste Plastic Discover how nanotechnology could solve the planet’s waste plastic problem.
The Plastics Industry Californian Research and Czech Industry Boost Polyethylene Recycling Discover how nanotechnology and sustainable catalysts allow for cost-effective plastic recycling.
Raw Materials How to Make Nanomaterial for Batteries from Waste Plastic Learn how nanotechnology can turn plastic waste into raw material for batteries.
The Plastics Industry A Better Nanomaterial Spread with Even More Effect Learn how nanomaterials can be distributed more accurately and with a stronger influence.
Nanočástice Nanostrukturační polymery dávají plastům nové vlastnosti a nové možnosti Mohla by nanotechnologie zachránit plastikářský průmysl?
The Plastics Industry Nanostructured Polymers Give Plastic New Properties and New Markets Could nanostructuring save the plastics industry?
The Chemical Industry The IMF’s Chief Economist Talks Lockdown and Business Recovery How do economists see the business climate recovering from coronavirus?
Raw Materials Will COVID-19 Kill the Plastic Recycling Industry? Can plastic recyclers remain financially viable in a coronavirus world?
Raw Materials How the Coronavirus Pandemic is Changing the Plastic Recycling Sector Are plastic recyclers and producers suffering with COVID-19?
The Chemical Industry Is the COVID-19 Lockdown Hitting Smaller Production Harder? Do SME’s have it worse from coronavirus?
The Chemical Industry Will the COVID-19 Pandemic Relocate Industry Back from China? With the coronavirus exposing weak supply chains, will raw material producers reshore their facilities?
The Plastics Industry Polymer Scientists Find a Lower-Energy Route to HDPE Production Will this discovery lead plastic manufacturers to greener production?
The Chemical Industry The Chemical Recycling of Clothes. Part 3; The Future Discover what lies in store for companies expanding into the chemical recycling of textiles.
The Chemical Industry The Greening of the European Chemicals Industry Can the EU’s Green Deal get the chemical industry to carbon neutrality?