Nanoparticles Nanoparticle Route Found to Fight Coronavirus Discover how nanoparticles could play a role in treating COVID-19
Raw Materials How COVID is Forcing a Rethink of Rare Earth Element Supplies Should raw material suppliers expect changes in the rare earth element markets?
Suroviny Jak Koronavir Pomáhá k Lepší Image Chemického Průmyslu Získává chemický průmysl konečně uznání, které si zaslouží?
The Chemical Industry Life After COVID; Albemarle is on Track for a Robust Recovery Discover how a 132-year old, North Carolina-based chemical company is well placed to beat the COVID recession and hail a decade of growth.
The Chemical Industry Graphene Coating makes Anti-Virus Masks Sterilized with Sunlight Discover how researchers have improved commercially available non-woven masks with a nanomaterial coating that can be sterilized by the sun in seconds.
The Chemical Industry Supply, Demand, and Recovery in the Post-COVID Chemical Industry Find out how chemical companies are still suffering from both low demand and fragile supply chains as they face the uphill road to recovery.
Suroviny Je Rozmanitost Nejnovějším Heslem pro Řízení Dodavatelského Řetězce? Zjistěte, jak je rozmanitost v současné době nezbytná pro nákup surovin i lidské zdroje.
The Chemical Industry How COVID is Killing Japan's Chemical Industry Recovery Part 2 Find out how badly the coronavirus is hurting the Japanese chemical industry.
The Chemical Industry How COVID is Killing Japan's Chemical Industry Recovery Part 1 Discover how Japan’s chemical industry has gone from stagnation, to growth, to recession.
The Chemical Industry How Coronavirus is Giving the Chemicals Industry a Better Image Is the chemical industry finally getting some of the recognition that it deserves?
The Chemical Industry Petrochemicals Brace for the Worst in the New Normal Economy Should industrial chemical suppliers bet on a quick return to normal supply or play it safe?
The Chemical Industry The IMF’s Chief Economist Talks Lockdown and Business Recovery How do economists see the business climate recovering from coronavirus?
Raw Materials Will COVID-19 Kill the Plastic Recycling Industry? Can plastic recyclers remain financially viable in a coronavirus world?
Raw Materials How the Coronavirus Pandemic is Changing the Plastic Recycling Sector Are plastic recyclers and producers suffering with COVID-19?
The Chemical Industry The Diagnosis and Prognosis of an Infected U.S. Chemical Industry How healthy is the American chemical industry and when will it get better?
The Chemical Industry COVID-19: Implications for the Chemical Business Upon Reopening How will business in the chemical industry react to current pandemic events?
The Chemical Industry Is Diversity the Latest Buzzword for Supply Chain Management? Find out how diversity is now essential for raw material procurement, as well as human resources.
Suroviny Přemístí se Průmysl z Číny kvůli Pandemii COVID-19 na Západ Ohrozí koronavirus slabé dodavatelské řetězce, budou výrobci surovin znovu prodávat svá zařízení?
The Chemical Industry How the Chemical Industry in India may Profit Most from the Pandemic Will the Indian chemical industry be a COVID-19 lockdown winner?
The Chemical Industry Is the COVID-19 Lockdown Hitting Smaller Production Harder? Do SME’s have it worse from coronavirus?
The Chemical Industry Will the COVID-19 Pandemic Relocate Industry Back from China? With the coronavirus exposing weak supply chains, will raw material producers reshore their facilities?
The Chemical Industry Coronavirus Challenges Pharmaceutical Industry Supply Chain. Part 2 Can Western drug companies stop their dependency on Chinese raw material supplies?
The Chemical Industry Coronavirus Challenges Pharmaceutical Industry Supply Chain. Part 1 What has the pandemic taught medicine producers about the importance of raw material supplies?
Suroviny Chemický Průmysl; Naděje a Strach s Koronavirem Jak jsou chemické společnosti vedeny v období pandemie?
The Chemical Industry The Chemical Industry; Hope and Fear with Coronavirus How chemical companies are being led through the pandemic.