The Chemical Industry Výkonný Viceprezident Společnosti Sabic o Petrochemii Diskuze o saúdských petrochemiích, postavení společnosti Sabic a jejích plánech do budoucna.
Raw Materials Australia Takes Leap Towards Total Plastic Waste Recycling Can chemically recycling plastic become an economically viable route to the circular economy?
The Plastics Industry Plastic-Eating Worms make potential Raw Material for Animal Feed Can worms solve the problem of plastic waste and become a source of animal feed?
The Chemical Industry Sabic’s Executive VP Petrochemicals Talks Strategy Discussing Saudi petrochemicals, Sabic’s position, and its plans for the future.
The Plastics Industry Bio-Polykarbonát, který je Lepší Než Petro-Polykarbonáty Zjistěte více o novém průhledném biopolymeru, který je pevnější a bezpečnější než standardní plasty.
Raw Materials A Bio-Polycarbonate that is Better than Petro-Polycarbonates Learn about a new transparent bio-polymer that is stronger and safer than standard plastics.
Raw Materials Monomer Creates Easily Degradable Polymer Find out how a simple polymer process can make drugs safer and may reduce the impact of plastic waste.
Raw Materials Modifikované Mikroby Přeměňují CO2 na Chemické Produkty Objevte, jak půdní mikroby mohou vytvářet chemické produkty.
Raw Materials Byl Dosažen 100% Recyklovatelný Polystyren Jak plastikářský průmysl našel praktické řešení pro recyklaní polystyrénového odpadu do jeho nejčistší formy.
The Chemical Industry 100% Recycling of Polystyrene Achieved Learn how a new recycling process for polystyrene is pushing the plastics industry towards the circular economy.
The Chemical Industry Modified Microbes turn CO2 into Chemical Products Discover how soil microbes can work like mini-factories, making industrial chemicals powered only by light.
The Chemical Industry The Taxing Problem of Plastic Feedstock and Recycling; Part 2 A continued look at the challenges to be faced in taxing plastic.
Raw Materials The Taxing Problem of Plastic Feedstock and Recycling; Part 1 Take a look at some of the challenges to be faced by us all when implementing taxes on plastic.
The Chemical Industry Biodegradable Cling Film Made from Rapeseed/Canola Straw Find out how canola straw cellulose can make cling film, with potential use in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and more.
The Chemical Industry Dynamic Polymer Set to Revolutionise 3D Printing Find out how chemists created a polymer with reversibly changing properties; one will make a big impact in 3D printing.
The Chemical Industry Is a Bubble about to Burst in the Petrochemicals Industry? Part 2 Discover what will cause the end of the petrochemical industry’s golden age?
The Chemical Industry Is a Bubble about to Burst in the Petrochemicals Industry? Part 1 Find out why are analysts predicting an end to the petrochemical industry’s golden age?
Raw Materials Is Bioplastic a Mission Not Possible? What is the key to finding a bioplastic raw material?
Raw Materials The World's First Truly Recyclable Plastic Find out how a plastic can be recycled, again and again and again and again, without any loss of quality or performance.