The Chemical Industry The New Economic Value of Sustainable Plastic Feedstock Has the balance of economics finally shifted in favour of chemical recycling?
The Chemical Industry Will Lego’s Discovery De-Rail the Recycled Plastics Industry? Lego has cancelled plans to use recycled PET feedstock for its bricks after finding that it doesn’t reduce carbon emissions.
The Chemical Industry How the Chemical Industry is Moving Away from Fossil Fuels A look at the slow and steady shift towards biopolymers and chemical recycling.
The Chemical Industry The Ukraine War’s Impact on the Economy and Raw Material Prices Examining the surprising global economic data since Russia’s invasion.
The Chemical Industry The Elephant in the Room for the Chemical Industry How to make everything with net zero carbon emissions?
The Chemical Industry The Imminent Chinese Threat to Europe’s Chemical Industry Is a wave of cheap Chinese chemicals set to destroy European chemical production?
The Chemical Industry EU Chemical Ingredient Rules: Top Tips for Importers Quick advice on how and how not to import products or chemical raw materials into the EU.
The Chemical Industry EU Chemical Rules: The Four Most Significant Directives What you need to know about EU industrial chemical and ingredient policy.
The Chemical Industry How the Industrial Chemical Sector is Achieving Shock Resistance Recent disruptions have forcing chemical companies into a rethink of how they source raw materials.
The Chemical Industry Chemical Recycling: The Issues Delaying European Progress While the future of numerous recycling projects remains uncertain, the environmental need for action grows.
The Chemical Industry Governments are Rethinking Chemical Industry Policy Global economic stagnation is making governments prioritize manufacturing and chemical industry output.
Raw Materials How AI Will Benefit Logistics and Raw Material Procurement More than just another overhyped technology, artificial intelligence enables anyone to streamline supply chains.
Raw Materials A New Strategy for the U.S. Military Raw Material Supply Chain How the Ukraine war has highlighted the importance of onshoring production and securing raw materials.
The Chemical Industry How the Russia/Ukraine War is Still Impacting the Global Economy The price of Russia’s war keeps growing and growing.
The Chemical Industry The New Shape of Europe’s Chemical Industry is Outside of Europe Chemical industry investments are heading to bigger profits, cleaner production, and more relaxed regulation overseas.
Raw Materials Ethical and Sustainable Raw Materials: From Supply or Purchasing? If the customer is always right, then doesn’t the responsibility of fair trade and building a circular economy fall on them?
Raw Materials Can Europe’s Chemical Industry Go Circular? How the European chemical sector is using innovative technologies and sustainable raw materials to achieve net zero.
Raw Materials Are Chinese Market Forces About to Kill the European Chemical Sector? Analysis of industrial chemical markets is showing cracks in the European chemical sector’s business model.
Suroviny Ukrajina, Rusko a trhy s průmyslovými chemikáliemi Situace ukrajinských výrobců chemikálií je špatná, následné dopady budou rozsáhlé.
Raw Materials Russia Dodges Sanctions, Increases Drone Production Can sanctions really drive Russia to the negotiating table?
Suroviny Předpisy o surovinách pro prací prostředky se mění Výrobci pracích prostředků a jejich dodavatelé možná budou muset přehodnotit svou politiku získávání zdrojů, pokud dojde ke změně navrhovaných předpisů.
Raw Materials The State of Russia’s War Economy How war, sanctions, and global economic turmoil have changed Russian economic policy and its financial outlook.
The Chemical Industry Supply Chains Facing Next Big Stress with EU Sustainability Law How will upcoming EU legislation for transparent sourcing stretch raw material imports?
chemický průmysl Jak chemický průmysl používá ChatGPT & AI Kde a jak byste ve vaší firmě zaměstnali výkonného počítačového asistenta?