The Chemical Industry Ukraine, Russia, and Industrial Chemical Markets The situation for Ukrainian chemical producers is bad, and the knock-on effects are widespread.
The Chemical Industry 5 Grades of Raw Material Procurement Which level is your procurement department working at?
chemický průmysl Výzvy ve výrobě a dodavatelském řetězci na Ukrajině Jak se výrobci na Ukrajině přizpůsobili výrobě a získávání surovin ve válečné zóně.
The Chemical Industry Detergent Raw Material Regulations Face Shake Up Detergent manufacturers and their suppliers may have to rethink their sourcing policies if the proposed regulations are changed.
The Chemical Industry How the Chemical Industry is Embracing ChatGPT & AI Where and how would you employ a high-powered computer assistant in your company?
Raw Materials Raw Material Price Hedging Strategies Discover how price hedging raw materials can help the manufacturing sector and how it can also go wrong.
Raw Materials The Manufacturing and Supply Chain Challenges in Ukraine How manufacturers in Ukraine have adapted to production and raw material sourcing in a war zone.
Raw Materials Price Hedging Raw Material Supply Costs Can price hedging for raw materials protect a manufacturer’s profit?
chemický průmysl Je válka na Ukrajině jen součástí ekonomické polykrize? Zastavila by rusko-ukrajinská mírová dohoda globální stagflaci?
chemický průmysl Jak ukrajinská ekonomika přežívá válku Může podnikání pokračovat, když je váš národ ve válce?
Suroviny Tři největší výzvy chemického průmyslu Insider chemického průmyslu hovoří o udržitelnosti, geopolitice a postpandemickém světě.
Raw Materials Raw Material Prices and the War in Ukraine How industrial chemical and raw material markets have been impacted by Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Raw Materials Is the War in Ukraine just Part of an Economic Polycrisis? Would a Russian/Ukrainian peace deal stop global stagflation?
The Chemical Industry How to Select the Ideal Chemical Distributor Choosing a chemical supplier in a crowded and uncertain market is never easy, but these tips may help.
The Chemical Industry The Chemical Industry’s Three Biggest Challenges A chemical industry insider speaks out on sustainability, geopolitics, and the post-pandemic world.
Raw Materials How Ukraine’s Economy is Surviving the War Can business continue when your nation is at war?
The Chemical Industry The Complex Compound of E-Commerce and Industrial Chemicals Why haven’t online industrial chemical platforms taken off?
Raw Materials Russia’s Invasion has Created a More Economically Fragile World Will the global economy ever be the same again?
The Chemical Industry The Top Online Marketplaces for Industrial Chemicals Reviewing the benefits of the chemical industry’s best e-commerce platforms.
Raw Materials How the War in Ukraine has Changed the World Energy Markets Who has gained and who has lost in the global energy pricing drama?
Raw Materials Yale Economist Exposes the ‘Lie’ Over Russian Economic Health Is the Russian economy really surviving?
Raw Materials Is the EU Right to Consider a Full PFAS Ban? The EU begins a long look into the overall benefits and safety concerns of using per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
Raw Materials Can the Defence Industry Keep Up with Ukrainian Demand? Will the outcome of Russia’s war in Ukraine be decided by military production?
Raw Materials How the EU Plans to Gain Strategic Autonomy What can Europe do to gain independence and security of raw material sourcing?