Suroviny Chemický Průmysl; Naděje a Strach s Koronavirem Jak jsou chemické společnosti vedeny v období pandemie?
The Chemical Industry The Chemical Industry; Hope and Fear with Coronavirus How chemical companies are being led through the pandemic.
The Chemical Industry Chemical Production in a Period of Pandemic How badly has chemical production been hit by the pandemic?
Suroviny Chemický Průmysl; Koronavirová Deprese nebo Ekonomický Pokles Může být nízká důvěra v podnikání skutečnou příčinou budoucí recese v chemickém průmyslu?
The Chemical Industry Coronavirus and the Chemical Industry; The Devil is in the Detail Discover how some chemical industry sectors are having a tougher time than others.
The Chemical Industry How Chemical Companies Can Survive the COVID-19 Lockdown What can the chemical industry do to minimise the coronavirus economic fallout?
The Chemical Industry Chemical Industry; Coronavirus Depression or Economic Blip Could low business confidence be the real cause of a future chemical industry recession?
The Chemical Industry Chemical Industry Struggles to Meet Hand Sanitiser Raw Material Demand Can chemical companies cope with demand for ethanol and isopropyl alcohol to combat COVID-19?
The Chemical Industry How Coronavirus is Impacting Chemical Production Part 2 Find out how chemical companies in India, Europe, and America are handling the COVID-19 pandemic?
The Chemical Industry How Coronavirus is Impacting Chemical Production Part 1 Which region’s chemical industry has been worst hit by the COVID-19 lockdown?
The Chemical Industry Chemical Companies Boost Output for Coronavirus Essentials How the chemical industry is meeting the rush for medical oxygen, disinfectant wipes, and anti-viral sprays.
The Chemical Industry How the Swiss Chemical Industry is Showing the Way to Carbon Neutral Could every country’s chemical industry go carbon-neutral?
The Chemical Industry How COVID-19 is Hurting the Chemicals Industry Hardest Why will chemical production be so badly hurt during the coronavirus economic slump?
Suroviny Co Čeká Chemické Společnosti v Recesi po Koronaviru? Jak by měli chemičtí výrobci a dodavatelé reagovat na hospodářský pokles kvůli koronaviru?
The Chemical Industry What’s in Store for Chemical Companies in a Coronavirus Recession? How should chemical producers and suppliers react to a coronavirus economic downturn?
The Chemical Industry MIT’s New Approach to Chemical Production Chemists have discovered a new way to make industrial chemicals from water and electricity.
Suroviny Poučení z Registru Globálních Chemických Produktů Co chemik objevil, když uvedl všechny chemické produkty na světě.
The Plastics Industry Polymer Scientists Find a Lower-Energy Route to HDPE Production Will this discovery lead plastic manufacturers to greener production?
The Chemical Industry Biosurfactant Discovery offers Non-Stick Solution to Oil Extraction Learn how researchers have developed a biosurfactant that can boost oil production.
The Chemical Industry The Chemical Recycling of Clothes. Part 3; The Future Discover what lies in store for companies expanding into the chemical recycling of textiles.
The Chemical Industry Osud Britského Chemického Průmyslu Mimo EU; Část 2 Jak důležité jsou obchodní rozhovory pro britský chemický průmysl po Brexitu?
The Chemical Industry Osud Britského Chemického Průmyslu Mimo EU; Část 1 Co čeká britský chemický průmysl v době po Brexitu?
The Chemical Industry The Chemical Recycling of Clothes. Part 2; The Solutions Find out how the chemical industry is rising to the challenge of chemically recycling old clothes.
The Chemical Industry The Chemical Recycling of Clothes. Part 1; The Challenges Can the chemical industry profit from fast fashion and the circular economy?
Coatings Salt Removes the Coffee Ring Effect for Better Dyes and Coatings Researchers find a salty solution for the improved drying of inks, dyes, and paints.